Sunday, May 29, 2011

Crazy movie moments project

So I'm in love with movies. Over the weekends, you're more than likely to spot me inside a Look 'n Listen or Musica with an armful of DVDs in my hand. I love the iconic moments in movies like the horse scene in the Godfather or the dancing scene in Pulp Fiction and I always wanted to see what other people's favourites are. So I'm starting the movie moments project! (Sorry, I couldn't think of a better title)

I want everybody who reads my blog and shares my love for movies to draw, sketch, design , write or paint me their favourite movie scenes or posters. I don't care if it's stickmen or some crazy artistic design. Send me a visual interpretation of some of your favourite movies. I will post all these designs on my blog and let's see what crazy stuff we can come up with. Comment on this post if you want to send something and I'll pop you my email address. Let's get cracking cinephiles.

1 comment:

  1. Send me your email address :) Going to get my hands dirty with this one
